Thursday, March 4, 2010

Been There, Done That.

We all have things we hold deep inside. Everyone goes through the same things in life, just at different times and in different ways, but nun the less, the pain is always the same. Eventually, we'll have all been there and done that.


  1. This blog is a good place to get things out in the open. Talking things out has always helped me. I've been there, I get it.

  2. I have been through a lot of pain and have been hurt by men in the past. Everyone has. We all go through stuff.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am going through it now. I hate men. Why dont they just call when they say they will. Why! I hate waiting! I need to switch to girls! Men suck!

  5. Girls are trubble too babe, trust me on this.

  6. Dr. Love, what do you do if you have no love for your parents?

  7. That can not be true, everyone loves their parents, am I right? Deep inside, we do. True?

  8. I don't know I feel no love at this moment, the abuse the harm the sadness and the guilt they put on you to do for them. Is there something wrong with me?

  9. Do you have friends who are aware of your situation? Abuse and harm and sadness sound dangerous. The guilt is not yours to carry. I worry for you. Many people use guilt to control others. I've seen it many times. I know of abuse way too well, please tell someone who can help you and ask them to keep you safe and free you from their control. You will see in the long-run, it wasn't your guilt to carry, you might as well let it go now, rather than later.

  10. Dr. Love, how do I get to a place in my heart where I don't carry this and it doesn't affect my relations with others? I pray often. I wish we were friends Dr. Love.

  11. Its almost impossible. Your scared for life. Put all the badness in a jar and put a very tight childproof lid on it. Hide it where it can never be reached nor found. Then run far and fast. Running is good for the heart. It's not your jar of stuff. Your free to walk with God. He is always with you.

  12. Are you suggesting I bottle up my emotions and run away from my problems?

  13. I hope you can find a friend to help you, or call a hot line from your phone book, they can maby direct you to local help. Please find help. (I prefer to leave the yuk behind me, and not carry it with me, it's not healthy. If someone is hurting you, then yes, run from them, run to a safe place, take care of you first, never run into the arms of your abuser, it doesn't make sense)

  14. How do you run away if your a child being abused by a parent?

  15. Honey, you need some help.....don't think Dr. Love can fix all your problems, and you sound like you've got a lot of them!! Run and get help, you sound desperate, don't attack Dr. Love. She means well, but she's for LOVE, not for Crazy People Like You, Who ever you are.

  16. OH Goodness, gracious! Who ever you are, Please get some help! Please, before it is too late, Dr. Love gave you the best advise, you need to call for help. Run quick and do it Now! Today! Don't expect us to help you from an Internet Love site, get on the phone and call 911.

  17. God Bless Your Soal. We will pray for you.

  18. Dr. Love thank you for the great advice that it was not my jar of bad stuff it was a great revelation to me. I appreciate all you have said and will carry on a life full of love for myself.
