Monday, March 8, 2010

Love is a choice.

Love is a choice. In arranged marriages, the woman doesn't choose the man they are to spend every day and night with. For the sake of sanity, the woman simply have to "choose" to get along with their appointed husbands and "choose" to like or except their faults, and "choose" to grow and prosper with this person.

It is a good life lesson that can be applied to many things we have to live with in life that we didn't plan for.


  1. Like my cancer.

  2. Everyday is beautiful.

  3. I choose you.

  4. To be the person that represents humanity to believe in God and to be a respector of persons. To be the mother of the year and the artist that rises above. To partner with me as my friend and companion to search for truth in love. The favored one.

  5. Love is blind. Thank God!

  6. Blind love? Still sounds like an arranged marriage. Not gonna happen.
