Friday, February 26, 2010

Is Sex Love?

Cinderella said it was, however, I've been trained to believe it isn't. Yet, I still can't help but to think that sex IS Love because I would only want to have sex with the one I Love.... and my deepest expression of my Love is through showing it during explicit acts of sex.... So I ask, is sex Love? And if it is not, then what is it? Fun? Entertainment? Pleasure? A Sport? A good way to Work Out?


  1. The act of making definitely an expression of deep intimacy. The sharing of one's body, mind, and soul to another human can only be shared through an act of physical closeness. Sex is in my eyes love. Unless it's a one night

  2. I can't help but agree with you Dr. Love. I could never give my body with out loving my partner first. Sex may be love. My friend doesnt agree with you. She thinks that sex is not love. :(

  3. I want to add to my comment above that sex is love... I also feel that spiritual love and emotional love is the deepest form of love and to share ones body to another is a natural human instinct.

  4. Wow.....I like what you said, who ever you are!

  5. From another point of view on my part, sex is also equated with lust. True love does not necessarily involve sex. Sex through procreation is love....creating a child by the act of sex through lovemaking. But with creating a baby comes actions in stay present in the relationship and to always remember to be loving to our partner. Yet, I can truly love a person and not ever have sex with them and this comes from the heart and the soul. Not the body or the loin. Lol... What do you think?
