Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm Thanking You for Knowing Exactly.

What a Girl Wants... What a Girl Needs.... What Ever Makes You Happy Sets Me Free.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Honesty is the best policy.

I believe that with honesty, in every relationship, there will always be understanding, and with understanding comes effortless harmony and partnership. Honesty creates a strong base for the long run. Dishonesty creates a weak and troubled future that will surly deteriorate the big picture and carode all who lay in its path. Honesty is the simple solution for success, and a successful Love.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Is Sex Love?

Cinderella said it was, however, I've been trained to believe it isn't. Yet, I still can't help but to think that sex IS Love because I would only want to have sex with the one I Love.... and my deepest expression of my Love is through showing it during explicit acts of sex.... So I ask, is sex Love? And if it is not, then what is it? Fun? Entertainment? Pleasure? A Sport? A good way to Work Out?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gold Diggers.....

I can't stand it when Women are referred to as "Gold Diggers" because they want to have a man of intellect and wealth...... while it's OK for Men to date Ladies for their "Good Looks" or "Big Boobs" hmmmmmm. Men can be shallow, and it's OK, but Women have to sit on the sidelines as usual and wait for their broke Prince Charming to ride by in order to be considered a true Lady.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What are men really thinking about?

A reader said to me, "If we only new what men think, we could get along" I responded, "If we really new what men think, we would never marry them." This is why men are trained not to talk or express their thoughts and feelings by their Fathers. If they did, they would never find a Wife. Silence IS golden.....What we don't know WON'T hurt us. Ignorance IS bliss. And then there is always good old fashioned duct-tape, lol.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

May everyday You Feel Loved like Valentines Day. Most importantly, who we Love and who benefits from our endearing is what counts. Now wheres the chocolates.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Choose to Love...

Today we are Free to Love with all our hearts, unconditionally, anyone we want, to encourage and strengthen their souls and empower them with our Love no matter what. It is our choice whether to Love or not to Love. Choose Love and it will bounce right back at you. You Will Feel the Power of Love.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I Hope You Still Have the Receipt My Dearest Darling...

Do you know what your getting for Valentines Day? I think I overheard and or maby even guessed it on the first try. Uh-Oh. Hope he kept the receipt. Would You dare return an unwanted Valentines Day gift? I would and I have.

Faking it....

They say to never fake it or you wont get what you want. I think just the opposite. I'd rather have my partner walking around all day thinking he's the "King" than him worrying and wondering around town all day trying to figure out how he's going to please me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love at First Sight.

Do you believe in Love at First Sight? I do and I've experienced it. However, that being true, I've never experienced, "Love after hanging out with you all day". LOL

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love Someone, Let Them Go.........

If you Love someone and let them go......they will come back. If it is meant to be, if it is real and true, nothing can stand in the way of natural Love.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Relationships are Work...

Everyone says, relationships are work. I think what they mean to say is, relationships are a huge sacrifice and drain you of your mind and soul. Of course not in the beginning faze when your all hot for each other and you each do your own laundry and pay your own bills. But just like money, if you want it, it takes work to have it. So if a relationship is what you want, then get to work, dont let me stop you.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Two Bedrooms?

What do you think about living with your partner but still having your own bedroom. To me, I personally like it this way. It gives me my privacy plus creates distance and mystery between myself and my lover. I like having the option of...."your place or mine"?

"Trust" was the request of the day.....

Trust. Trusting your mate. To trust in your partner would mean that you believe yourself to be a trusting partner yourself. If you are not a faithful partner, than you will always expect your partner of doing the same mischief you do. Trust on the other hand feels good. Trust sets you free. Free to Love and Love unconditionally. The power of trust can take a couple from 0 to 60 in 1/100th of a second on any given day. The places they can go and the joy they can share becomes endless. They can grow and prosper forever and are free to Love fearless for eternity.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Love in Sickness or in Health

Real Love would shine during sickness and health. If you truly Love a person, them in a wheel chair, a hospital bed or missing a limb wouldn't make any difference in the Love you feel for that person.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Valentines Day.......

Valentines's not for me........I dont want anyone telling me when to show or receive acts or gestures of affection just because they are expected to do so. I dont like Valentines Day. Men absolutely hate it. It actually causes them stress and resentment towards their Woman because of all the stress and pressure put on them. The man who does like VD must be "all that" or else a hopless romantic or totally devoted to his Lady. What do you think?

Today is the first day of the rest of your Life.

Make it a Good One. May you be Loved.